
class Likelihood

Abstract base class for likelihood functions, defining properties that all likelihood functions must implement.

Each Likelihood subclass evaluates on a set of trajectories at each of a grid of parameter values.

Instances of Likelihood subclasses should be generated with the saspt.make_likelihood function. For example:

>>> from saspt import make_likelihood, LIKELIHOOD_TYPES

# Imaging parameters
>>> kwargs = dict(
...     pixel_size_um = 0.16,
...     frame_interval = 0.00748,
...     focal_depth = 0.7
... )

# Make a likelihood function for each of the available likelihood types,
# and show the names of the parameters on which the likelihood function
# evaluates
>>> for likelihood_type in LIKELIHOOD_TYPES:
...     L = make_likelihood(likelihood_type, **kwargs)
...     print(f"Likelihood function '{}' has parameters: {L.parameter_names}")
Likelihood function 'rbme' has parameters: ('diff_coef', 'loc_error')
Likelihood function 'rbme_marginal' has parameters: ('diff_coef',)
Likelihood function 'gamma' has parameters: ('diff_coef',)
Likelihood function 'fbme' has parameters: ('diff_coef', 'hurst_parameter')
abstract property name: str

The name of the likelihood function.

abstract property shape: Tuple[int]

The shape of the parameter grid on which the likelihood function evaluates.

abstract property parameter_names: Tuple[str]

Names of each parameter in the parameter grid.

abstract property parameter_values: Tuple[numpy.ndarray]

Values of each parameter in the parameter grid, given as a tuple of 1D numpy.ndarray. The parameter grid is the Cartesian product of these arrays.

abstract property parameter_units: Tuple[str]

Physical units for each parameter in the parameter grid.

abstract __call__(self, trajectories: TrajectoryGroup) Tuple[numpy.ndarray]

Evaluate the log likelihood function on each of a set of trajectories at each point on the parameter grid.


trajectories (TrajectoryGroup) – the trajectories on which to evaluate


evaluated_log_likelihood (numpy.ndarray), jumps_per_track (numpy.ndarray)

  • evaluated_log_likelihood is the value of the log likelihood function evaluated on each of the trajectories at each of the parameter values. It is a numpy.ndarray with shape (*self.shape, trajectories.n_tracks).

  • jumps_per_track is the number of jumps in each trajectory. It is a 1D numpy.ndarray with shape (trajectories.n_tracks,).

Example usage:

>>> from saspt import make_likelihood, RBME, TrajectoryGroup
>>> kwargs = dict(pixel_size_um = 0.16, frame_interval = 0.00748)

# Make an RBMELikelihood function
>>> likelihood = make_likelihood(RBME, **kwargs)

# Show the shape of the parameter grid on which this likelihood
# function is defined
>>> print(likelihood.shape)
(101, 36)

# Show the names of the parameters corresponding to each axis
# on the parameter grid
>>> print(likelihood.parameter_names)
('diff_coef', 'loc_error')

# Load some trajectories (available in saspt/tests/fixtures)
>>> tracks = TrajectoryGroup.from_files(["tests/fixtures/small_tracks_0.csv"], **kwargs)

# Evaluate the log likelihood function on these trajectories
>>> log_L, jumps_per_track = likelihood(tracks)

# The log likelihood contains one element for each trajectory
# and each point in the parameter grid
>>> print(log_L.shape)
(101, 36, 39)

>>> print(jumps_per_track.shape)
abstract exp(self, log_L: numpy.ndarray) numpy.ndarray

Take the exponent of a log likelihood function produced by Likelihood.__call__() in a numerically stable way.

This function also normalizes the likelihood function so that the values of the likelihood sum to 1 across all states in each trajectories.

We can take the exponent of the log likelihood function from the example in __call__, above:

from saspt import RBME

# Make an RBME likelihood function
>>> likelihood = make_likelihood(RBME, **kwargs)

# Get the normalized likelihood
>>> normed_L = likelihood.exp(log_L)

# Likelihood is normalized across all states for each trajectory
>>> print(normed_L.sum(axis=(0,1)))
array([1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.])

L (numpy.ndarray), shape log_L.shape, the normalized likelihood function for each trajectory-state assignment

abstract correct_for_defocalization(self, occs: numpy.ndarray, normalize: bool) numpy..ndarray

Correct a set of state occupations on this parameter grid for the effect of defocalization.

  • occs (numpy.ndarray) – state occupations, with shape self.shape

  • normalize (bool) – normalize the occupations after applying the correction


corrected_occs (numpy.ndarray, shape self.shape), corrected state occupations

abstract marginalize_on_diff_coef(self, occs: numpy.ndarray) numpy.ndarray

Given a set of state occupations, marginalize over all parameters except the diffusion coefficient.

May raise NotImplementedError if the diffusion coefficient is not a parameter supported by this likelihood function. (Although this is the case for all Likelihood subclasses implemented to date!)


occs (numpy.ndarray) – state occupations, shape self.shape


marginal_occs (numpy.ndarray), marginal state occupations. This will have a lower dimensionality than the input.

For example, suppose we are using the RBME likelihood with a parameter grid of shape (10, 6). Since the parameters for the RBME likelihood are diff_coef and loc_error, this means that the parameter grid has 10 distinct diffusion coefficient values and 6 distinct localization error values. After applying marginalize_on_diff_coef, the output has shape (10,) since the localization error is marginalized out.

In code, this situation is:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from saspt import make_likelihood, RBME

# Define an RBME likelihood function on a grid of 10 diffusion
# coefficients and 6 localization errors
>>> likelihood = make_likelihood(
...     RBME,
...     pixel_size_um = 0.16,
...     frame_interval = 0.00748,
...     focal_depth = 0.7,
...     diff_coefs = np.logspace(0.0, 1.0, 10),
...     loc_errors = np.linspace(0.0, 0.05, 6)
... )

>>> print(likelihood.shape)
(10, 6)

# Some random state occupations
>>> occs = np.random.dirichlet(np.ones(60)).reshape((10, 6))
>>> print(occs.shape)
(10, 6)

# Marginalize on diffusion coefficient
>>> marginal_occs = likelihood.marginalize_on_diff_coef(occs)
>>> print(marginal_occs.shape)

# Plot marginal occupations as a function of diffusion coefficient
# (example)
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> plt.plot(likelihood.diff_coefs, marginal_occs)
>>> plt.xlabel(f"Diff. coef. ({likelihood.parameter_units[0]})")
>>> plt.ylabel("Marginal occupation")
>>> plt.xscale('log');; plt.close()


class RBMELikelihood(self, pixel_size_um: float, frame_interval: float, focal_depth: float = numpy.inf, diff_coefs: numpy.ndarray = DEFAULT_DIFF_COEFS, loc_errors: numpy.ndarray = DEFAULT_LOC_ERRORS, **kwargs)

Subclass of Likelihood for the RBME (regular Brownian motion with localization error) likelihood function. Probably the most useful likelihood function in saSPT.

Suppose we image an RBME with diffusion coefficient \(D\), localization error \(\sigma\), and frame interval \(\Delta t\). If there are \(n\) jumps in the trajectory, and if \(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y} \in \mathbb{R}^{n}\) are its jumps along y and x axes respectively, then the likelihood function is

\[f(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y} | D, \sigma) = \frac{ \exp \left( -\frac{1}{2} \left( \mathbf{x}^{T} \Gamma^{-1} \mathbf{x} + \mathbf{y}^{T} \Gamma^{-1} \mathbf{y} \right) \right) }{ \left( 2 \pi \right)^{n} \text{det} \left( \Gamma \right) }\]

where \(\Gamma \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}\) is the covariance matrix defined by

\[\begin{split}\Gamma_{ij} = \begin{cases} 2 (D \Delta t + \sigma^{2}) &\text{if } i = j \\ -\sigma^{2} &\text{if } |i - j| = 1 \\ 0 &\text{otherwise} \end{cases}\end{split}\]

The parameter grid for RBMELikelihood is a two-dimensional array with the first axis corresponding to the diffusion coefficient and the second corresponding to localization error. By default, we use a set of logarithmically spaced diffusion coefficients between 0.01 and 100 \(\mu\text{m}^{2} \text{ sec}^{-1}\) and linearly spaced localization errors between 0 and 0.08 \(\mu\text{m}\).

In most situations, localization error is a nuisance parameter. When using the RBME likelihood function with a state array run, we usually marginalize over the localization error afterward. As a result, the RBME likelihood is much more stable from day-to-day and microscope-to-microscope than likelihood functions that do not explicitly model the error, such as the GammaLikelihood.

See Likelihood for a description of the class properties and methods.

  • pixel_size_um (float) – camera pixel size after magnification in microns

  • frame_interval (float) – time between frames in seconds

  • focal_depth (float) – objective focal depth in microns. Used to calculate the effect of defocalization on apparent state occupations. If numpy.inf, no defocalization corrections are applied.

  • diff_coefs (numpy.ndarray) – the set of diffusion coefficients to use for this likelihood function’s parameter grid

  • loc_errors (numpy.ndarray) – the set of localization errors to use for this likelihood function’s parameter grid

  • kwargs – ignored


class RBMEMarginalLikelihood(self, pixel_size_um: float, frame_interval: float, focal_depth: float = numpy.inf, diff_coefs: numpy.ndarray = DEFAULT_DIFF_COEFS, loc_errors: numpy.ndarray = DEFAULT_LOC_ERRORS, **kwargs)

The underlying model is identical to RBMELikelihood. However, after evaluating the likelihood function on a 2D parameter grid of diffusion coefficient and localization error, we marginalize over the localization error to produce a 1D grid over the diffusion coefficient. State arrays then evaluate the posterior distribution over this 1D grid, rather than the 2D grid in RBMELikelihood.

In short, the order of state inference and marginalization is switched:

  1. Evaluate 2D likelihood function over diffusion coefficient and localization error

  2. Infer 2D posterior distribution over diffusion coefficient and localization error

  3. Marginalize over localization error to get 1D distribution over diffusion coefficient

  1. Evaluate 2D likelihood function over diffusion coefficient and localization error

  2. Marginalize over localization error to get 1D likelihood over diffusion coefficient

  3. Infer 1D posterior distribution over diffusion coefficient

RBMEMarginalLikelihood generally is inferior to RBMELikelihood and is provided as a point of comparison.

  • pixel_size_um (float) – camera pixel size after magnification in microns

  • frame_interval (float) – time between frames in seconds

  • focal_depth (float) – objective focal depth in microns. Used to calculate the effect of defocalization on apparent state occupations. If numpy.inf, no defocalization corrections are applied.

  • diff_coefs (numpy.ndarray) – the set of diffusion coefficients to use for this likelihood function’s parameter grid

  • loc_errors (numpy.ndarray) – the set of localization errors to marginalize over when evaluating the likelihood function

  • kwargs – ignored


class GammaLikelihood(self, pixel_size_um: float, frame_interval: float, focal_depth: float=numpy.inf, diff_coefs: numpy.ndarray=DEFAULT_DIFF_COEFS, loc_error: float=0.035, mode: str="point, **kwargs)

Subclass of Likelihood for the gamma approximation to the RBM (regular Brownian motion) likelihood function.

The gamma likelihood is obtained from the RBME likelihood by making two approximations:

  • the localization error is treated as a constant

  • we neglect the off-diagonal terms of the covariance matrix \(\Gamma\)

In this case, the likelihood function simplifies to a gamma distribution. Suppose that \(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y} \in \mathbb{R}^{n}\) are the x- and y-jumps of a trajectory with \(n\) total jumps, and let \(S\) be the sum of its squared jumps:

\[S = \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n} \left( x_{i}^{2} + y_{i}^{2} \right)\]

Then the likelihood function can be expressed

\[f(S | D, \sigma^{2}) = \frac{ S^{n-1} e^{-S / 4 D \Delta t} }{ \Gamma (n) (4 (D \Delta t + \sigma^{2}))^{n} }\]

Notice that in the term \(4 (D \delta t + \sigma^{2})\), the contributions of diffusion (\(D \Delta t\)) and localization error (\(\sigma^{2}\)) cannot be distinguished without introducing the assumption that localization is constant. This is only approximately true, since the number of photons collectd per particle, the axial distance from the focus, and the motion of the particle will all influence localization error, creating variation within a single SPT movie. In particular, the gamma likelihood performs tolerably well when \(D \Delta t \gg \sigma^{2}\), but is highly inaccurate when \(D \Delta t \sim \sigma^{2}\).

The GammaLikelihood parameter grid is a simple 1D array of diffusion coefficients. By default, these are logarithmically spaced between 0.01 and 100 \(\mu\text{m}^{2} \text{ sec}^{-1}\).

See Likelihood for a description of the class properties and methods.

  • pixel_size_um (float) – camera pixel size after magnification in microns

  • frame_interval (float) – time between frames in seconds

  • focal_depth (float) – objective focal depth in microns. Used to calculate the effect of defocalization on apparent state occupations. If numpy.inf, no defocalization corrections are applied.

  • diff_coefs (numpy.ndarray) – the set of diffusion coefficients to use for this likelihood function’s parameter grid

  • loc_error (float) – the 1D localization error (assumed constant), expressed as the root variance in microns

  • mode (str) – deprecated; ignored

  • kwargs – ignored


class FBMELikelihood(self, pixel_size_um: float, frame_interval: float, focal_depth: float, diff_coefs: numpy.ndarray = DEFAULT_DIFF_COEFS, hurst_pars: numpy.ndarray = DEFAULT_HURST_PARS, loc_error: float = 0.035, **kwargs)

Likelihood function for fractional Brownian motion with localization error (FBME). This is similar to RBME but allows for temporal correlations (either positive or negative) between jumps in the same trajectory, depending on the value of the Hurst parameter:

  • if \(H < \frac{1}{2}\), jumps in the same trajectory are anticorrelated (the trajectory tends to return to where it came from)

  • if \(H = \frac{1}{2}\), the motion is Brownian (no correlation between the jumps)

  • if \(H > \frac{1}{2}\), jumps in the same trajectory are positively correlated (the trajectory tends to keep moving in the same direction)

In particular, if \(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y} \in \mathbb{R}^{n}\) are the x- and y components of the jumps of an FBME with \(n\) jumps, diffusion coefficient \(D\), Hurst parameter \(H\), and localization error \(\sigma\), then the likelihood function is defined

\[f(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y} | D, H, \sigma^{2}) = \frac{ \exp \left( -\frac{1}{2} \left( \mathbf{x}^{T} \Gamma^{-1} \mathbf{x} + \mathbf{y}^{T} \Gamma^{-1} \mathbf{y} \right) \right) }{ \left( 2 \pi \right)^{n} \text{det} \left( \Gamma \right) }\]

where \(\Gamma\) is the covariance matrix:

\[\begin{split}\Gamma_{ij} = \begin{cases} D \Delta t \left( |i - j + 1|^{2 H} + |i - j - 1|^{2 H} - 2 |i - j|^{2 H} \right) + 2 \sigma^{2} &\text{if } i = j \\ D \Delta t \left( |i - j + 1|^{2 H} + |i - j - 1|^{2 H} - 2 |i - j|^{2 H} \right) - \sigma^{2} &\text{if } |i - j| = 1 \\ D \Delta t \left( |i - j + 1|^{2 H} + |i - j - 1|^{2 H} - 2 |i - j|^{2 H} \right) &\text{otherwise} \end{cases}\end{split}\]

The parameter grid for FBMELikelihood is a 2D grid over diffusion coefficient and Hurst parameter, with localization error treated as a constant.

  • pixel_size_um (float) – camera pixel size after magnification in microns

  • frame_interval (float) – time between frames in seconds

  • focal_depth (float) – objective focal depth in microns. Used to calculate the effect of defocalization on apparent state occupations. If numpy.inf, no defocalization corrections are applied.

  • diff_coefs (numpy.ndarray) – the set of diffusion coefficients to use for this likelihood function’s parameter grid

  • hurst_pars (numpy.ndarray) – the set of Hurst parameters to use for this likelihood function’s parameter grid

  • loc_error (float) – the 1D localization error (assumed constant), expressed as a root variance in microns

  • kwargs – ignored